Still no agreement between DTA and Dixon – Dixon Tribune | Facebook

Brianna Boyd


Dixon Teachers Association Co-President Amy Circo used the word Monday night to describe how she felt about the actions of Dixon Unified’s administration and board of trustees this week after trustees reportedly turned down another proposal from the union during its closed session meeting last Thursday.
The Dixon Teachers Association and Dixon Unified’s bargaining teams have spent over 60 hours in negotiations since last August, attempting to come to terms for the 2012-13 school year. An agreement has yet to be reached and a mediator was called in to assist in May after an impasse came following discussions at the bargaining table on issues for 2012-13 that included elementary physical education, elementary prep time, high school extra duty supervision and economic issues. The bargaining teams have yet to begin talks for 2013-14.

Still no agreement between DTA and Dixon… – The Dixon Tribune | Facebook.

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