Discipline Practices Fall Hardest on Minorities and Students With Disabilities – Education Week

By guest blogger Lesli A. Maxwell

The disparate rates at which schools suspend and expel African-Americans students and those with disabilities drive up the dropout risks for these already academically vulnerable students and help propel them into the juvenile justice system, according to a new set of reports that take a sweeping look at discipline practices across the nation’s public schools.

Likewise, Latino students, girls of color, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students also are disproportionately kicked out of classrooms for bad behavior, concludes the report by the Discipline Disparities Research-to-Practice Collaborative, a group of 26 experts from the fields of social science, education, and civil rights.

via Discipline Practices Fall Hardest on Minorities and Students With Disabilities – Rules for Engagement – Education Week.

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