Ernest Kimme: Schools not the same; better – The Reporter

By Ernest Kimme

Back when I went to high school, it was a dark and dangerous place. The hallways were filled with bullies, and you quickly learned which students to avoid. “Survival of the Fittest” was the rule of the day. Times have changed.

Last month, Will C. Wood High School held a Wishes Assembly. The concept was simple: Ask students what they wish for, and grant, if possible, those wishes.

For several weeks prior to the assembly, the students submitted their wishes. Tracy Ruiz (a teacher at Wood, and the mastermind behind this crazy idea) and her leadership students — the LINK Crew — collected and sorted them out. Some wishes were clearly not doable: a new car or $1000. Other wishes were easy: a candy bar, tickets to the prom, or new binder – so the students raised money and granted them.

via Ernest Kimme: Schools not the same; better – The Reporter.

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