Prescribed Format for 2014-15 Proposed BD – Correspondence CA Dept of Education


Education Code EC Section 52060b2 requires that the public meeting at which a school district governing board adopts a local control and accountability plan LCAP and adopts a budget must be held after, but not on the same day as, the public meeting at which the governing board holds the required public hearings on the LCAP and the proposed budget. EC Section 52068b2 imposes a similar requirement for county boards of education. This new requirement, which takes effect for budget year 2014–15, effectively eliminates a governing board’s previous prerogative to adopt a budget at the same public meeting at which the public hearing on the proposed budget is held, as was historically allowed by EC sections 42127a1 and 42127a2 for districts and sections 1620 and 1622 for county offices of education.

Historically, many local educational agency LEA governing boards have met only monthly. In order to meet the new requirement this year, many LEAs must hold the public hearing on the 2014–15 proposed budget at the May 2014 meeting of the governing board because it may not be feasible, this late in the year, for some LEAs to schedule an additional meeting in advance of the June 2014 meeting at which the budget will be adopted.

via Prescribed Format for 2014-15 Proposed BD – Correspondence CA Dept of Education.

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