Hogan Middle School students create new mural with a message on campus – Times-Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

An entire wall at Hogan Middle School — visible from anywhere in the quad — is nearly finished as it has become the site of a student-designed and painted mural with that message.

P.E. teacher and longtime wrestling coach Jason Guiducci, and Vice Principal Erin Riley are the two school officials most involved with the project, which they say is the first mural painted since the campus became a middle school. It was built as a high school but the school district closed Hogan High for good in 2010.

“We needed a mural,” Guiducci said. “I took the wrestling team to Castlemont High School in Oakland, and they have some great murals, and I got to talking with leadership/year book, and I started with saying, ‘let’s do a mural,’ and four amazing kids ran with it. Ninety-nine point nine percent of it is student centered. It was great to see the ownership and leadership from these kids.”

Source: Hogan Middle School students create new mural with a message on campus – Times-Herald

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