Opposition to Brown proposal to postpone transitional kindergarten grows

EdSource Extra!

Child care advocates and leading educators are vigorously protesting the proposal in Governor Brown’s January budget to postpone, perhaps indefinitely, “transitional kindergarten” for 4-year-olds due to go into effect this fall. In a tough response on its website, Preschool California, a nonprofit advocacy organization, calls for “saving kindergarten” in California.  It also carries letters from superintendents of some of Callifornia’s largest school districts such as San Diego, Long Beach, Oakland and Fresno, as well as the Los Angeles Unified School District board president, all in essence calling on Brown to reconsider his proposal. “Gov. Brown’s January budget proposal includes kicking 120,000 kids out of school over the next three years,” Preschool California declared.”This is a devastating blow for California’s young children. Cutting kindergarten is a lose-lose-lose-lose for California’s children, parents, teachers and schools.“  The 120,000 figure is the group’s estimate of the number of children excluded from kindergarten should the transitional kindergarten law be delayed …

via Opposition to Brown proposal to postpone transitional kindergarten grows.

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