Dan Walters: The dark side of Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax plan

Jerry Brown fancies himself a futurist, exhorting us to act now to ensure a better tomorrow – with a bullet train and a more dependable water system his prime examples.

Their merits notwithstanding, making decisions with long-term benefits is precisely what politicians should – but rarely – do.

One wonders, however, how Brown squares his self-appointed role as progressive pathfinder with his regressive and potentially disastrous approach to the state’s chronic gap between revenue and spending.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/09/16/4824170/dan-walters-the-dark-side-of-gov.html#mi_rss=Dan%20Walters#storylink=cpy

via Dan Walters: The dark side of Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax plan.

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