Dan Walters: Educators sullying state law to support Proposition 30

Education Code Section 7054 prohibits K-12 and community college officials from spending public funds “for the purpose of urging the support or defeat of any ballot measure or candidate … .”

The state Supreme Court cited that law three years ago in ruling that it was illegal for a teachers union to use school district facilities to distribute political literature.

Throughout California, however, school officials are sullying the intent of the law by using official communications to plug passage of Proposition 30, Gov. Jerry Brown’s sales and income tax increase.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/09/19/4832914/dan-walters-educators-sullying.html#mi_rss=Dan%20Walters#storylink=cpy

via Dan Walters: Educators sullying state law to support Proposition 30.

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