Dan Walters: Jerry Brown’s tax boost is in trouble

The governor of California may not be toast – yet – but, one might say, he’s turning browner by the moment in the heat of a political campaign he hoped would be his legacy achievement.

Two new statewide polls confirm what political instincts – and Jerry Brown’s body language – were already telling us: His tax increase measure, Proposition 30, is fading fast with scarcely a week remaining until Election Day.

Proposition 30, a $6 billion per year boost in sales and income taxes that Brown said would resolve the state’s chronic fiscal problems, never was particularly popular with voters, whose disdain for Sacramento politics is palpable.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/10/26/4939856/dan-walters-jerry-browns-tax-boost.html#mi_rss=Dan%20Walters#storylink=cpy

via Dan Walters: Jerry Brown’s tax boost is in trouble.

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