Dan Walters: What to do if Proposition 30 fails?

As the political odds turn against Proposition 30, Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax measure, political insiders are turning their attention, however reluctantly, to the fallout should, indeed, voters reject the sales and income tax hike on Tuesday.

The measure would deliver $6 billion a year in new revenues and should it fail, Brown and the Legislature have already passed $6 billion in so-called “trigger cuts” that would be imposed, overwhelmingly on K-12 schools.

So that would seem to be that. But it’s not.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/10/31/4949976/dan-walters-what-to-do-if-proposition.html#mi_rss=Dan%20Walters#storylink=cpy

via Dan Walters: What to do if Proposition 30 fails?.

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