2015 United States Senate Youth Program Letter – Letters CA Dept of Education


I am pleased to announce the fifty-second annual United States Senate Youth Program USSYP. Sponsored by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, the California Department of Education CDE coordinates this competition for outstanding seniors or juniors who are interested in pursuing careers in public service. All public and private high schools in the state are invited to nominate up to two seniors or juniors to participate in this worthwhile opportunity.

Four finalists, consisting of two delegates and a first alternate and second alternate, will be selected by the CDE from the statewide applicants to be California’s USSYP representatives. The delegates will participate in a week of intensive study of the federal government as guests of the United States Senate from March 7–14, 2015, in Washington, D.C. The Hearst Foundation will pay all expenses for the delegates, including transportation, hotel, and meals. In addition, each of the delegates will receive a $5,000 college scholarship from the Foundation. Alternates attend the events in Washington only if the delegates are unable to participate.

via 2015 United States Senate Youth Program Letter – Letters CA Dept of Education.

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