By Dianne de Guzman
Students at Jesse Bethel High School are learning computer coding, all the while helping their high school earn money for more student resources.
Thanks to a company called Codecademy, the students are learning the code required to build websites. A web-based program, Codecademy teaches users computer coding skills, teaching HTML, Javascript and other coding languages. In 2014, the company partnered with, and through a $1,000,000 grant from, they’re offering schools a chance to earn $100 per student in DonorsChoose rewards.
Each student that completes a 12-hour Javascript coding course by March 17 can earn rewards. Underrepresented groups in computer science, such as girls or African American, Latino, American Indian or Alaska Natives can earn more funding credits for their class.
via Jesse Bethel students learn coding and earn money for school resources.