By Susan Winlow
The child care nursery – a dual component of both the parenting program and the Childcare Career Technical Educational pathway at Sem Yeto High School – is back on the agenda Thursday at the Fairfield-Suisun School District board meeting after staff recommended at the March 26 meeting that it be discontinued to save money and reallocate human resources.
Board members told staff to come back with a plan for continuing the nursery next year, which serves as child care for student parents and a lab for the child care program students.
Sem Yeto is relocating to Fairfield High School next year and the district plans to close the Dover site for a year for repairs and possibly bring back a kindergarten-through-eighth-grade school in 2016-17. Staff proposed to bring the child care program over to Fairfield High School, but not the nursery, and no solid plans for an alternative were forthcoming at the time.
via Fairfield-Suisun school board to review child care nursery options Daily Republic.