By Nick Sestanovich
The Governing Board of the Benicia Unified School District will be voting on a proposed renovation of Benicia Middle School’s campus at Thursday’s board meeting.
Construction on the current BMS campus was completed in 1976 and was comprised of four buildings and eight portable classrooms. Now the school is looking to modernize its campus by replacing the portables and redesigning the courtyard in an ampitheater-style setting. Funds for the remodel would be provided through Measure S.
Roxanne Egan, the bond director for Measure S, and Lee Pollard of HY Architects will be presenting will be presenting the results of a discussion held at a series of meetings in December regarding the total number of classrooms required for the school’s educational programs and the best location for those classrooms. Egan will be presenting examples of current modern designs at other Bay Area schools.
The project would have four phases. The construction of new modular classrooms would take place in the fall of this year. he campus modernization would be scheduled for the summer of 2018. The redesign of the kitchen, lunch shelter and drama room would be slated for spring 2018 through December of that year. Finally, construction on the lower portables would be done in the summer of 2019. Egan also suggested the area be preserved as a swing space while construction going on. There is also an optional fifth phase regarding resurfacing of the tennis courts which would take place in the summer of 2017.
Source: School board to vote on Benicia Middle School campus renovation – Benicia Herald