Three Vacaville teens propose VUSD go solar – The Reporter

By Kimberly K. Fu

An enrichment program on solar energy sparked three students from different Vacaville high schools to combine forces and propose an alternative energy source for the Vacaville Unified School District.

“We just want to make a change,” said Sergio Maciel, 16, from Will C. Wood High School, of the solar panels his group hopes to have installed within the district.

It’s all about efficiency and protecting the environment, added Holly Andersen, 17, from Vacaville High.

The pair emphasize that while their goal may be lofty, it’s nonetheless doable if taken one property at a time.

The friends — including Natalie LaRowe, 17, of Buckingham Charter, who was unavailable for comment — met awhile back through the SunPower Solar Academy, a five-day venture for high schoolers involving the teamwork application of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) toward designing a solar start-up for residences. From the environment to design to finances, the youths learn a bit of everything and factor them into a presentation given to officials, including solar representatives, by program’s end.

Source: Three Vacaville teens propose VUSD go solar

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