Vacaville Unified School District campuses host lockdown drill – The Reporter

By Kimberly K. Fu

In a matter of minutes Thursday morning following an ominous-sounding siren’s wail, Vacaville High School was shut down tight — No noise, no movement, no nothing.

Call it a successful lockdown drill, honed after four years of preparations and re-evaluations.

“It’s just sad that we have to do this,” said Ed Santopadre, the school’s principal.

The safety drill was over in minutes.

Following the sirens, teachers’ heads briefly popped out of their classrooms before their doors slammed shut.

“They’re checking for kids,” the principal explained.

One staff member worriedly asked what to do with the students who were in the school’s stadium.

“Tell them to hide,” he advised her. “That’s what we tell them — If you can’t go back to a room, just hide. It’s Locks, Lights, Out of Sight.”

Source: Vacaville Unified School District campuses host lockdown drill

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