Cambridge kindergarteners have fun-filled start of school – The Reporter

By Nick Sestanovich

The bell rang. Students at Cambridge Elementary School made their way across campus, backpacks in tow, to begin the first day of Travis Unified School District’s 2019-20 academic year Wednesday.

Outside Dolores Smith’s kindergarten classroom parents waited with their kids, some of whom were nervous to start school and others who were excited to begin a new chapter in their young lives. Smith welcomed them in, students hung up their Pokemon, “Toy Story” and Disney princess backpacks and entered the classroom.

After the students settled down on the carpet, Smith had them wave goodbye to their parents before the kindergarteners began their day. She then held up individual name tags, and when students recognized their name they went up to claim their tags.

Source: Cambridge kindergarteners have fun-filled start of school – The Reporter

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