By Todd R. Hansen
Solano County supervisors on Tuesday handed over 1.16 acres of right of way to the state for an easement on the Interstate 80/Interstate 680/Highway 12 Interchange Project – an exchange of property that should have been done in 1967.
“This project enhances the capacity, safety and traffic operations of the interchange with each phase that gets constructed. For the latest project phase, Caltrans acquired right of way from the end of Solano County’s West Cordelia Road,” the staff report states. “In addition, Caltrans determined that there was also right of way still owned by Solano County within the Interstate 80 corridor. The property, approximately 1.159 acres of right of way, should have been transferred to the state with improvements done to the interchange in about 1967.”
Source: Solano transfers I-80 right of way to state for interchange project