B. Gale Wilson Students celebrate Dual Immersion program completion |  dailyrepublic.com

On Friday, May 17, The B. Gale Wilson Middle School community came together to celebrate a significant milestone: the completion of the ninth year of the Dual Immersion program by its eighth-grade students. The event, held in the Wilson Multi-Purpose Room, marked a proud moment for families, staff, and teachers who have supported and nurtured these biliterate students.

The Dual Immersion program, which began in 1995 at Crescent Elementary, has flourished over the years. It now encompasses transitional kindergarten and elementary classes at Sullivan Language Immersion Academy, with secondary education continuing at B. Gale Wilson. This unique program, the only one of its kind in the district, emphasizes bilingual proficiency in both English and Spanish, preparing students for academic excellence and a multilingual future.

Source: Good News: B. Gale Wilson Students celebrate Dual Immersion program completion | Lifestyle | dailyrepublic.com

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