Vallejo school board asked to approve tentative agreement with CSEA – Times-Herald

By John Glidden

The Vallejo school district has reached a tentative agreement with the non-teaching district employees for a two-percent salary increase and a one-time $500 bonus to each employee covered by the California School Employees Association (CSEA).

The tentative agreement will go before the Vallejo school board for approval on Wednesday.

It’s expected to cost the district $997,442 with a bulk of that cost, $488,756, set aside for the two percent salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2018. The increase will paid to the employees on Feb. 28, 2020.

Source: Vallejo school board asked to approve tentative agreement with California School Employees Association – Times-Herald

VCUSD budget update — expected to drop under 10,000 students in two years – Times-Herald

By John Glidden

Vallejo Unified School District officials anticipate there will be less than 10,000 students attending district schools by the 2021-22 school year, continuing the trend of declining enrollment.

The Vallejo school board on Dec. 11 unanimously approved the first interim report for the district’s budget — which includes anticipated student attendance.

Adrian Vargas, the district’s chief business official, said the district expects to have about 9,892 students in two years — down at least 1,300 students from the current count of 11,259. He noted student loss to ELITE Charter School and the new Griffin Academy High School as two of the primary reasons.

Source: Vallejo district gets budget update — expected to drop under 10,000 students in two years – Times-Herald

Committee recommends renaming Vallejo middle school in honor of John Finney – Times-Herald

By John Glidden

A special advisory committee is recommending that Vallejo Middle School be renamed in honor of longtime educator John Finney — however, not everyone agrees.

Committee members presented their ideas during Wednesday’s Vallejo school board meeting of renaming the former middle school site to the John W. Finney Education Complex. The complex would be home to a professional development center, independent study, the Everest Academy, and the continuation school named in Finney’s honor.

“John W. Finney had a long illustrious career in education as an administrator in this district,” said committee spokesperson Elissa Shanks Stewart.

Source: Committee recommends renaming Vallejo middle school in honor of John Finney – Times-Herald

District eyeing possible closure of schools; public hearing Dec. 17 – Times-Herald

By John Glidden

Eight different Vallejo school district properties – including the home of the oldest public school in the city of Vallejo – are up for possible closure.

A special Vallejo City Unified School District committee will hold a public hearing Dec. 17 to discuss the sale or leasing of the properties as the district continues to face financial challenges.

The list includes active school sites like Lincoln Elementary, Franklin Middle, Beverly Hills Elementary, and Farragut Academy, while the district’s main office building on Mare Island is also up for possible closure.

The former home of John Finney High School on Colusa Street and the shuttered Grant Elementary and Crest Center on Gateway Drive are the other district properties being considered.

Source: District eyeing possible closure of schools; public hearing Dec. 17 – Times-Herald

Vallejo school board approves new trustee-area map – Times-Herald

By John Glidden

Starting in November 2020, Vallejo residents will elect board members on Vallejo City Unified School District by geographic area.

The school board voted 3-2 on Wednesday to adopt a final trustee area map, which creates five different areas with a governing board member elected by the residents living in that particular area.

Both Board President Bob Lawson and Trustee Christy Gardner opposed selection of the map, known as Scenario 2, in favor of a fourth map submitted by Lawson. Both will be up for election in 2020. Lawson was first elected to the school board in 2016 and Gardner was appointed earlier this year to fill the vacancy created when Marianne Kearney-Brown resigned from the board.

Source: Vallejo school board approves new trustee-area map – Times-Herald

Vallejo school board holding public hearing on by-trustee maps – Times-Herald

The Vallejo school board is holding a public hearing on Wednesday to receive public input regarding three different by-trustee area maps.

Each proposed map depicts how the district could be split into five distinctive distinct trustee areas, which would go into effect for the November 2020 election.

The Vallejo City Unified School District previously said the change to trustee areas comes as a way to avoid a challenge letter from a third party claiming the district’s at-large election violates the California Voting Rights Act.

Source: Vallejo school board holding public hearing on by-trustee maps [Times-Herald, Vallejo, Calif.]

Vallejo school district releases proposed trustee maps – Times-Herald

By John Glidden

As the Vallejo City Unified School District prepares to transition to by-trustee area elections, district officials have released three different maps for community review.

The maps show how the district could be split into five distinct trustee areas, which would go into effect for the November 2020 election.

The board in April approved a resolution to change the election format from at-large, with each trustee being elected by the entire city electorate, to by-trustee areas, meaning each trustee will represent a portion of the city and be elected by residents in that particular area.

Source: Vallejo school district releases proposed trustee maps – Times-Herald

Vallejo school board hosting public hearing on trustee area elections – Times-Herald

By John Glidden

The Vallejo school board on Wednesday is set to hold its second of two pre-map public hearings in connection with transitioning from at-large to by-trustee area elections.

During the public hearing, residents will have the opportunity to offer their respective opinions on the potential voting areas throughout the city of Vallejo. Currently, all Vallejoans elect the five-person Vallejo City Unified School District Board of Education via the at-large format.

The board in April approved a resolution to change the election format to by-trustee area meaning each trustee will represent a portion of the city and be elected by residents in that particular area.

Source: Vallejo school board hosting public hearing on trustee area elections – Times-Herald

School board asked to look into selling district property – Times Herald

By John Glidden

As the Vallejo school district continues to stave off financial insolvency, the Board of Education will meet Wednesday to establish the process of selling off surplus district-owned property.

In June, the five-person board approved a resolution declaring the district needed to identify over $15 million — $7,750,000 during fiscal years 2020-21, and 2021-22 — in savings to prevent a second state takeover.

Trustees will consider a request from district staff to solicit an appraisal for the Rollingwood property. Located along Rollingwood Drive and Benicia Road, the nearly 18 acres of land is home to four unused little league baseball fields.

Source: School board asked to look into selling district property – Times Herald

Vallejo school board approves new contract with state trustee – Times Herald

By John Glidden

The Vallejo school board unanimously approved a new contract at its July 24 meeting with a state trustee tasked with ensuring the school district remains solvent.

Melvin Iizuka will receive up to $56,000 annually to attend Vallejo City Unified School District Board of Education meetings each month and monitor the district’s financial condition.

The school district is required by the state of California to have the trustee while the district continues to pay off a $60 million bailout loan it received from the state in 2004.

Source: Vallejo school board approves new contract with state trustee – Times Herald

Amended graduation requirements on Vallejo school board meeting agenda – Times Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

Amended graduation requirements for the alternative high schools and more details about training for the Measure S Citizen’s Oversight Committee are on the agenda for discussion during Wednesday’s Vallejo Unified School District meeting.

The board is expected to vote on a $56,000 contract with a Trustee Melvin Iizuka, appointed by Solano County to keep an eye on its inner workings.

They are also expected to exercise the one-year contract extension option with Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Company, which joined with Eide Bailly LLP on July 15, 2019, to audit the district’s July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 financials.

Source: Amended graduation requirements on Vallejo school board meeting agenda – Times Herald

Vallejo school district to weigh cuts, expenditures – Times Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

The Vallejo City Unified School District will need to cut nearly $8 million in the next two years. With that in mind, its board of trustees will consider approving next year’s budget, an agreement with its bargaining units and an arrangement with ELITE Charter School at the school board meeting.

They will also consider approving millions in construction/improvement projects to be paid through Measure S funds at the meeting set for 6 p.m. on Wednesday.

Revenue enhancements and/or budget reductions of $7,750,000 in 2020-2021 and $7,750,000 in 2021-2022 will be included in the district’s 2019-2020 first interim report.

Source: Vallejo school district to weigh cuts, expenditures – Times Herald

Bond funds banked, millions must be cut- Vallejo school budget – Times-Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

With millions of Measure S dollars in the bank, the Vallejo City Unified School District must still find a way to cut millions from its budget, it was learned at Wednesday’s school board meeting.

At the meeting, trustees learned both that the first sale of Measure S bonds, which will help pay for facilities repairs and upgrades, went better than expected and will cost slightly less per taxpayer to repay, but also that projected enrollment declines are expected to wreak havoc on the district’s budget.

Nearly $39 million came in from the bond sale – some $600,000 more than expected — and is in the bank and ready to use. The next bond sale should happen in 2021.

Source: Millions in bond funds banked, millions must be cut from Vallejo school budget – Times-Herald

Vallejo school district to discuss how to use bond money – Times-Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

Vallejo City Unified School District officials will discuss how to spend the millions of dollars coming in from bond sales, even as they prepare for deep cuts to compensate for continued declining enrollment.

Items dealing with having enough teachers are also on the agenda during Wednesday’s meeting.

One of the items on Wednesday’s meeting agenda would make it possible to sell the district offices if needed. Right now, the district is leasing the site for $1 per year from Lennar Mare Island, which has yet to draw up the required paperwork conveying ownership to the district for the agreed-upon price of $1.

Source: Vallejo school district to discuss how to use bond money – Times-Herald

New textbooks, layoffs on tap for Vallejo school board meeting – Times-Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

The adoption of new textbooks, layoffs of teachers and other staff, end of year projections, the number of vacant positions and codifying new school start times are among the items set for consideration at Wednesday’s regular Vallejo City Unified School District board meeting.

Public hearings will be held before the adoption of about $1.7 million worth of new K-12 history and social science textbooks, based on the framework adopted by the state department of education in 2016.

The End of Year Projections for 2018-19, required for any district filing a “qualified” or “negative” certification, will show that all VCUSD funds should have positive balances for the period ending April 30.

Source: New textbooks, layoffs on tap for Vallejo school board meeting – Times-Herald

First Measure S bond sale may be authorized Wednesday – Times-Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

Vallejo City Unified School District board members are expected to pass a resolution at their Wednesday meeting to authorize the sale of the first installment of Measure S bonds. The board also is expected to approve the allowance of the “piggyback contract process” to get furniture and equipment for Solano Middle School before it merges with Widenmann Elementary School.

In terms of the bonds, some 70 percent of voters approved Measure S, and at the April 10 meeting, trustees learned about the bond financing plan and sale process from the district’s municipal adviser, Government Financial Strategies.

On Wednesday, the board will consider a resolution authorizing the sale of the first $39 million of Measure S bonds. The resolution also will authorize the sale to an underwriter to be selected using a competitive process, approving various financing documents, and authorizing certain district officials to execute the final versions of documents prescribing certain bond terms and conditions.

Source: First Measure S bond sale may be authorized Wednesday – Times-Herald

Vallejo school district to be carved into voting areas – Times-Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

In a split vote on Wednesday, the Vallejo school board agreed to transition to a “by-trustee area” election system, mostly to avoid a threatened lawsuit.

Trustees Christy Gardner, Tony Gross and John Fox voted yes, while board president Robert Lawson dissented and trustee Tony Ubalde abstained. Therefore, the Vallejo City Unified School District Board of Trustees elected to join the City of Vallejo in dividing the town into voting districts. This will avoid a lawsuit by private law firms that are targeting school districts and other agencies statewide for alleged violations of the 2002 California Voting Rights Act.

Source: Vallejo school district to be carved into voting areas – Times-Herald

Vallejo School District to ask for advance of tax funds disbursement – Times-Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

The Vallejo City Unified School District board on Wednesday will consider borrowing money against expected tax revenues to cover any cash flow problems, as well as adopting a resolution to transition to a different type of election system starting in 2020.

California Education Code provides for the Board of Supervisors and County Treasurer to temporarily transfer property tax funds to school districts that lack sufficient money and credit to meet their expenses. The loan comes from property tax revenue the district expects for the 2019-20 fiscal year. The Constitutional Advance allows the district to receive the majority of this revenue prior to the standard December and April transfer time line. If approved by the Solano County Board of Supervisors, the transfer could be available on July 1.

Source: Vallejo School District to ask for advance of tax funds disbursement – Times-Herald

Wednesday’s Vallejo school district meeting to deal with issues – Times-Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

Vallejo City Unified School District board members are expected to decide on a new Chief Business Officer, one less school cop and several campus improvement projects going out to bid, according to Wednesday’s meeting agenda.

District staff is asking the board to approve Adrian Vargas as the new CBO, to replace Hitesh Haria, who accepted a position in another district. Vargas previously served in this position, and “presents us with a seamless transition as we establish a search process to fill the position permanently,” staff said in the agenda. Vargas will be paid $175,000 in 12 approximately equal monthly installments.

Aimed at saving $112,500, board members will also be asked to approve a Third Amendment to the School Resource Officer (SRO) Memorandum of Understanding, reducing the number of SROs from three to two. There was one SRO approved in 2014; that increased to two the following year, and to three in 2017.

Source: Wednesday’s Vallejo school district meeting to deal with new money man, fewer campus cops, other issues – Times-Herald

Vallejo school board pleads for funds in Sacramento – Times-Herald

By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen

The entire Vallejo City Unified School District Board of Trustees headed to Sacramento Tuesday to plead for better funding, board vice president John Fox said Wednesday.

It may have been Prop. 13 or a combination of other factors, but somehow in the past 30 years, California’s school system went from one of the nation’s top to among its lowest in terms of funding. Consequently, it also is among the lowest performing, Trustee Tony Ubalde said.

“(Tuesday), the California School Board Association offered an opportunity for school boards to meet with legislators,” Fox said. “We went to try to get more funds, what with all the cuts we’re facing.”

Source: Vallejo school board pleads for funds in Sacramento – Times-Herald