Administrators: How to Get Out of the Office and Into Classrooms | Edutopia

By Ben Johnson

As an administrator, I think about the most enjoyable times I have had at school. Frankly, none of them include sitting in my office doing paperwork, disciplining, or attending meetings. The most enjoyable and productive times I have experienced are when I have been in the classroom observing teachers and interacting with students and teachers.

Conceptually, I believe that every administrator would agree with me that they need to be in the classroom to be the most effective with teachers and student learning, but in reality, it is easier said than done. The administrators office is the focal point of so many things: planning, scheduling, disciplining, reporting, and managing. All of this becomes a magnet drawing the administrator inexorably back to the office any time he or she strays any distance from it.

The ultimate question of every administrator worth his or her salt is that, given all of the demands on an administrators time, what can we do to escape the pull of the office spend a majority of our time in the classroom?

via Administrators: How to Get Out of the Office and Into Classrooms | Edutopia.

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