New school funding plan remains on bumpy path – Daily Republic

By Dan Walters  |

California’s long-running conflict over how its public schools should be held accountable for educational outcomes entered a new phase this week.

A broad coalition of civil rights and education reform groups fired a broadside at a draft proposal for evaluating how K-12 schools implement the new Local Control Funding Formula, which supposedly targets poor and “English-learner” students for more money and attention.

Representatives of 19 groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, the NAACP and Ed-Voice, issued the critique to WestEd, a San Francisco think tank that’s writing “evaluation rubrics” for the state Board of Education.

via New school funding plan remains on bumpy path Daily Republic.

Whiteside ready to take Travis school board seat – Daily Republic

By Bill Hicks

When hockey teams play with four players rather than the usual five, broadcasters often say they are playing a man down. The Travis School District governing board knows exactly how those hockey teams feel.

The board has consisted of four elected members, not including student board member Sonja Thrasher, since May 21, 2014. Dawn Kirby moved out of state and vacated the Area 1 seat at that time. The position has been vacant ever since.

Rodriguez High School teacher Jamilah Whiteside was appointed to the seat during a special board meeting Feb. 17 and will be officially sworn in during the board’s March 10 meeting. Like the hockey teams, the remaining board members are pleased to be back at full strength.

via Whiteside ready to take Travis school board seat Daily Republic.