Vacaville High graduates begin new journey – The Vacaville Reporter

Atop one Vacaville High School senior’s head Saturday morning at Tom Zunino Stadium, the decorated mortar board, its red letters spelling “A Grand Adventure is about to Begin,” said it all in more than one way:

The graduation ceremony was about to begin for one of life’s key passages and another — for all of the more than 480 students who picked up their diplomas on the rostrum at the 30-yard line — was also about to begin under gradually clearing skies of cirrus clouds and temperatures in the 70s.

As high school graduation symbolizes entry into adulthood, the grand adventure for many will bring enrollment in college, a trade school, enlistment in the military, an ongoing job, or perhaps “a gap year.”

Source: Vacaville High graduates begin new journey – The Vacaville Reporter

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