Dixon children recognized for their academic achievements

Dixon Tribune’s Facebook Notes

Brianna Boyd

Cameras flashed and proud parents and teachers applauded Wednesday as over 60 Dixon Unified students were recognized for accomplishing a significant feat in their education.

These students, who all attend Dixon’s elementary, middle and high schools, have been reclassified from English language learners to English language proficiency.  They can now participate and perform successfully in academic subjects without English language development support.

via Dixon children recognized for their academic achievements.

Immigrant students find solace at Vacaville High

Daily Republic

VACAVILLE — One of the first stops for Sahar Mozan at Vacaville High School was Room 80. The classroom, on the edge of campus and with a view of the school’s farm, is lovingly called the campus’ “United Nations.”

It is where students who recently immigrated and speak little to no English are sent. If a new student indicates English is not the primary language spoken in their home they are given a language development test. If they do not score high enough they spend fifth and sixth period in Room 80, learning the language.

via Immigrant students find solace at Vacaville High.

New English-Learner Director Named

CA Dept of Education – What’s New

SACRAMENTO—Karen Cadiero-Kaplan, a leading scholar, published author and longtime advocate for students, will lead the California Department of Education’s (CDE) efforts to help school districts across the state teach English learners effectively, California Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced today.

via New English-Learner Director Named.