VCUSD’s Facebook Wall: Dr. Ramona Bishop – Energy Star Certification Awards

Energy Star Certification Awards
The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) has award the prestigious 2012 ENERGY STAR Certified Building to the majority of all the Vallejo City Unified School District buildings. Buildings that earn the EPA’s ENERGY STAR use 35 percent less energy and generate 35 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions that similar buildings across the nation. This milestone across all of the district’s buildings, earned the EPA’s Top Overall Energy Performance award. Vallejo City Unified School District has demonstrated environmental leadership by significantly reducing its district-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent in leadership by significantly reducing its district – wide greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent in 2012, earning the EPA’s 10 percent Improvement in Overall Energy Performance award.

Vallejo City Unified School District is highlighted on the EPA’s web site for being an ENERGY STAR Leader and will be included in their annual list that will be publicized in December.

via The following message in sent on behalf of Dr. Ramona Bishop

Energy Star Certi….

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