Daily Republic Letter: Facts lead to ‘yes’ vote on Measure Q

George Guynn of the Central Solano/Citizen Taxpayers Group wrote here Tuesday against Solano Community College’s Measure Q, to which I would like to respond.

The past:

  • The 2002 Solano Community College Bond (Measure G) fixed many of our aging buildings and brought many of our facilities up to code, to include additional access to individuals with disabilities. Key student services that were housed in some 1971 trailers were moved to new facilities.
  • The 2002 bond promised a new science lab. Actually, the county and Winters’ citizens received four new labs: two at the Vacaville Center and two at the Vallejo Center. In addition, the bond is renovating our ancient art building so as to enrich the arts culture in the county. This new facility will also accommodate training for technical jobs.
  • Measure G funds were instrumental in allowing the district to have severe accreditation sanctions removed, thus providing a new optimism at the college. We continue to work diligently to resolve remaining accreditation issues.

via Facts lead to ‘yes’ vote on Measure Q.

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