Preschool Special Education Would Get Small Boost Under Federal Budget Plan – Education Week

By Christina Samuels

Special education spending for school aged-children would hold steady, but spending for infants and children under 5 would see a modest boost under the White Houses proposed budget for fiscal year 2017, released on Feb. 9.

Students ages 6-21 currently receive the bulk of federal special education dollars, and that wouldnt change under the proposed spending plan, which would hold overall special education spending steady at $11.9 billion, the same as the previous fiscal year.

An additional $35 million would be allocated to services for children ages 3 to 5, bringing the total proposal to about $403 million. Those children are served under Section 619 of the federal special education law.

via Preschool Special Education Would Get Small Boost Under Federal Budget Plan – On Special Education – Education Week.

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