RoboKnights Push Through Week Three Of Build Season – Daily Republic

By The Buckingham PR Team

Still pushing through build season during the third week, the RoboKnights are working hard through each day. Still continuing the game of Power Up, the RoboKnights hope to finish their bot by the end of this week. Although the progress on the bot is moving smoothly, the PR department has since moved forward with the construction and painting of the pit for competition.

This year for the RoboKnights have taken a big step towards progress, they decided to take the initiative and expand their workspace. In previous years the space was taken up by a gymnastics center, and it has since been out of business, leaving the area to those who need the space and can afford it. The Buckingham High School has previously used this space for their own large events, such as Noche De Los Muertos by the Spanish classes.

Source: Class News: RoboKnights Push Through Week Three Of Build Season

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