Vacaville sixth graders invited to alien-themed dance party – The Vacaville Reporter

By Nick Sestanovich

Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt this news-reading session with a special bulletin from the Vacaville Parks and Recreation Department. On Oct. 28, Ulatis Community Center will be invaded by aliens.

No need to worry, as these friendly Martians come in peace and seek only to dance and potentially win a costume contest.

Parks and Rec is hosting a special alien invasion-themed dance party for local sixth graders who register and wear their best extraterrestrial and UFO-themed costumes for chance to win one of two prizes. There will also be games, snacks and music spun by a live DJ. Come sail through the cosmos for a party that will truly be out of this world.

Source: Vacaville sixth graders invited to alien-themed dance party – The Vacaville Reporter

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