Sneak peek given at future Early Learning Center site |

A soft launch was held Friday to introduce about 80 educators, community leaders and others to the future Vallejo Early Learning Center.

“The ELC will provide an age-appropriate, safe-learning environment for children, infants, toddlers, preschoolers, (ages) 0-5, in a location that has age-appropriate, development-appropriate facilities, including bathrooms in each classroom,” Juan Cisneros, executive director of Child Start, said in a statement released on Monday.

The Solano County Board of Supervisors in June purchased the former Beverly Hills Elementary School site from Vallejo City Unified School District for $2.8 million. Additional administrative fees and closing costs added another estimated $7,281. Solano received $1 million in gap funding from the state to go toward the project.

Source: Sneak peek given at future Early Learning Center site | News |

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