Solano County Boosts Career Education, Forges Pathways for High School Success – BNN

Throughout February, the Solano County Office of Education (SCOE) took to social media to celebrate Career Technical Education (CTE) month, showcasing the diverse range of CTE classes available to high school students across Solano County. This initiative aligns with the broader goals set forth by the California legislature’s 2018 K12 Strong Workforce Program (K12 SWP), which aims to enhance, create, and expand CTE courses and pathways. “Supporting career technical education opens doors to explore various careers, develop practical skills, obtain meaningful employment, and secure economic empowerment for students in Solano County,” remarked Solano County Superintendent of Schools Lisette Estrella-Henderson.

Source: Solano County Boosts Career Education, Forges Pathways for High Sc…

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