Cultural studies class posed for Vacaville High School – The Reporter

By Kimberly K. Fu

In an age where “Who do you think you are?” is a popular TV show and “Black Lives Matter” is a nationwide movement, a Vacaville High School student is posing a curriculum that delves into cultural identity.

Golden Pryor Jr., 16, said the idea was floated after he began digesting the increasing racial tensions presented by the mainstream media and following talks with his teen friends.

“I asked my friend if he knew who Nat Turner was and he didn’t,” Golden said. “I couldn’t believe it.”

Turner was a slave who headed a rebellion back in 1800s Virginia.

History classes in school, Golden said, don’t go deep enough into cultural studies and often don’t tell the true, whole story of world cultures. Which shortchanges students in the long run, he said.

Source: Cultural studies class posed for Vacaville High School – The Reporter

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