The Reporter: Solano County officials speak out on Governor Jerry Brown’s budget proposal

By Robin Miller/

While they are generally supportive of Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed 2013-14 state budget, Solano County’s two elected state representatives and the county’s schools chief say there is much more discussion and work to be done on the plan.

State Sen. Lois Wolk, D-Solano, chairs the Senate Committee on Governance and Finance, and said she agrees with Brown’s “cautious approach” on the budget, but wants to see even more done.

“While the governor was successful in persuading voters to pass Proposition 30, and has hopefully addressed the state’s structural deficit, we must continue to work to increase efficiency, transparency and accountability throughout state government,” she said in a prepared statement. “That is the only way to restore the public’s confidence in the state’s ability to spend their tax dollars wisely, and I believe the governor shares this view.”

via Solano County officials speak out on Governor Jerry Brown’s budget proposal.

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