Teacher training, facilities needs report on TUSD agenda tonight – The Reporter

By Richard Bammer

Cash for a teacher training plan, a minor change to Superintendent Kate Wren Gavlak’s contract, and a facilities needs report are on the agenda when Travis Unified leaders meet tonight in Fairfield.

Sue Brothers, assistant superintendent for education services, will brief the five-member governing board about “educator effectiveness funds.”

Under AB 104, the 2015-16 educational omnibus trailer bill, which activates the education portion of the state budget, the district will receive some $430,000 earmarked for teacher training. The district’s plan, to be rolled out during this year and through 2017-18, has three areas of focus, Brothers will tell trustees. They include new language arts materials that will be used beginning in fall 2016; coaching for beginning teachers; and additional general staff development.

via Teacher training, facilities needs report on TUSD agenda tonight.

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